A smile marred by minor physical defects, cosmetic imperfections, and dental stains can be very unappealing. While whitening measures might be able to address the dental stains, they will likely prove ineffective for addressing physical imperfections.
In a situation like this, you should consider consulting with Dr. Chad Ellis to understand the best methods for fully restoring your smile’s appearance. This often calls for treating your teeth with a possible combination of dental veneers and porcelain dental crowns.
Dr. Chad Ellis will start the process by examining each tooth in your smile. This ensures that there is sufficient strong enamel to later mount the veneers and address any existing dental fillings or newly formed cavities.
If a tooth has been compromised in some manner Dr. Chad Ellis might recommend restoring it with a porcelain dental crown.
Dr. Chad Ellis will then create an impression of each tooth in your smile and prepare the teeth that required a dental crown. This is sent to a dental lab where the corresponding dental work will be created.
A staff member of Dr. Chad Ellis’s staff will call you to schedule a second appointment when your dental veneers are ready. Dr. Chad Ellis will then install the appropriate dental work onto your teeth.
If you live in the Orem, Utah, area and you would like to improve the appearance of your smile, you should call 801-225-5594 to schedule a consultation at The Smile Studio.