Can teeth be properly restored with dentures? Dentures are a removable tooth replacement alternative that can fill any gap you have, large or small, for a functional smile that is easy to care for. If you are only missing a few teeth, partial dentures can be fashioned to suit your needs, but if you are looking for an entire set of artificial teeth, complete dentures are available.
No matter your desires, dentures can suit your needs and provide you with a wide array of astounding benefits:
– Missing teeth make your face much older than it truly is, but dentures will restore your smile and bring back a more youthful look.
– Dentures can shockingly improve the functionality of chewing and speaking habits that could be affected due to missing teeth.
– Dentures are removable and can be upgraded or exchanged as necessary.
– Spaces or voids left from missing teeth can be a safe haven for bacteria to grow and spread, as well as help to annihilate the gums and cause neighboring teeth to slip and slide. Use dentures to eliminate bacteria cesspools and prevent tooth slippage.
– Dentures can be used to complete your facial structure no matter how many teeth you need to replace.
Make sure to take good care of your dentures, as they could potentially last a lifetime. For more information about dentures, or to schedule an oral exam with Dr. Chad Ellis and our team at The Smile Studio, give us a call at 801-225-5594. Our dentist office is conveniently located in Orem, Utah. We look forward to hearing from you soon!